PESGB Summer School 2025 - Call for Applicants

Education and Philosophy between Cultures

Postgraduate Summer School in Philosophy of Education
John Anderson Campus, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland/ UK
Monday 23 June to Friday 27 June 2025

Call for Applicants

Postgraduate research students are invited to apply for the 2025 Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) Summer School, hosted at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The University of Strathclyde will be hosting the Summer School in Philosophy of Education from Monday 23 June to Friday 27 June 2025 on the John Anderson Campus in the centre of Glasgow. The Summer School involves five days of lectures, seminar discussions and social activities.

The theme for the Summer School is ‘Education and Philosophy between Cultures’. Cultural and intercultural awareness, communication and competence are at the heart of the postgraduate researcher development at universities across the sector. It is a general expectation that postgraduate research students engage beyond their conceptually and culturally familiar contexts, to broaden their horizons and ways of thinking, crossing borders of language and philosophical traditions when thinking about education. This expectation aligns with moves to internationalise higher education.

Although inspiring, these expectations are also challenging as they quickly expose underlying problems that accompany attempts to cross borders. English may be thelingua franca of academia offering a common tongue for human connection and economic mobility, but this comes at a price: monolingual academic cultures and set conventions of translating (e.g. in UK universities) may not only gloss over students’ multilingual identities (and rich translingual resources), but also overlook the difficult art of translation itself, e.g. when considering the historicity of concepts (and language in general). These critical challenges are central to Philosophy of Education, whose fundamental notions or concepts – e.g. education, or philosophy – should not be taken for granted.

Participants in the Summer School are not required to be explicitly working between cultures or on explicitly ‘Intercultural’ themes in their doctoral projects, but are encouraged to interpret the call as broad enough to be inclusive of anyone undertaking doctoral researcher in philosophy of education since the basic questions concerns our general understandings of fundamental educational notions.

Therefore, the 2025 Summer School at the University of Strathclyde will offer opportunities for all doctoral researchers engaging in theoretical and philosophical research in education to explore fundamental educational concepts from a methodological perspective. Particular attention will be paid to questions that interculturality poses: how do we do “philosophy of education” within and between cultures?

Students will explore not only the specific questions that such intercultural discussions and encounters create, but they will also be given opportunities to formulate responses. Beginning with a more methodological exploration into intercultural philosophical work on the first day, over the course of five days, participants will engage in specific aspects of this field.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for postgraduate students to engage with very timely discussions around the challenges of intercultural exchanges within the philosophy of education. The event is free to attend, and the Society will fund all meals and accommodation; participants will be responsible for their own travel costs.

To help us explore these topics, we are delighted to be joined by some leading philosophers who have worked and continue to work in philosophy of education between different cultures.



  1. One sample of academic work or a research outline

  2. A letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor

  3. A letter explaining why you would like to attend the Summer School (maximum 1 side A4)

Applicants must:

  1. Be enrolled on a postgraduate course, or engaged in postgraduate research, in any discipline.

  2. Be able and willing ability to work collaboratively.

To apply, please send the items listed below by email to Dr Karsten Kenklies (

Submit application materials to by 5pm (GMT) on Tuesday 1st April 2025. Decisions will be communicated by 14th April 2025.

Invitation to complete a survey and conference announcement

A message from colleagues, Martin Rothgangel & Ulrich Riegel:

Dear Colleagues,

Research on an international level is becoming increasingly important, also in the academic field that is variously referred to as Subject Didactics, Subject Pedagogy, and Curriculum Studies (hereinafter: SD/SP/CS). An essential requirement for the validity of international research in this field is the development of a common understanding of research, of “research designs”, and of formative dimensions of research. For this reason, we have conducted a Delphi study in German-speaking countries with the participation of 21 subject didactics (see:

We would now like to extend these considerations on international level by bringing together the expertise of skilled colleagues from both various national environments and various disciplines within SD/SP/CS. Therefore, we are launching this Delphi survey, to which we cordially invite you to contribute your expertise by the 15th of February:

It should take you no more than 15 – 20 minutes to complete this questionnaire, that meets current data protection requirements (for details please see the intro of the questionnaire). The greater the participation in the study, the more will the results reflect the international discussions about research in SD/SP/CS. We therefore thank you very much in advance for your contribution.

As a “save the date” we would like to inform you that from July 2-4, 2025, an international conference on this survey ("Crossing Borders in Research on General Subject Didactics. International Dimensions and National Contexts") will take place in Vienna. The invitation with the conference program will follow. 

Martin Rothgangel & Ulrich Riegel

Call for papers for a philosophy of education conference in Germany in 2025

Education and Social Critique - Critical Theory and Philosophy of Education in Dialogue

Dates: June 26th-28th 2025
Location: Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Short Description: Critical philosophical reflections on education have a long tradition. Both within academic discourses and in social debates, questions about the goals, possibilities, scope and limits of education date back to ancient times. However, addressing educational issues from the perspective of the Critical Theory in the sense of the Frankfurt School is a relatively new and still underdeveloped enterprise. The conference offers a forum to explore the ways, in which the main purpose of the Critical Theory not only to describe the society, but also to change it in a positive way could be spelled out in relation to education policy. In particular, we should explore, how main concepts and approaches of the Critical Theory, (for example its focus of social pathologies and socially caused suffering) might offer relevant new answers to classical normative questions of the Philosophy of Education like the ones about goals and values of institutionalized education, or about equity and educational justice. As a result, a dialog between critical theorists and philosophers of education from various schools of thought (e.g. Analytic Philosophy, Poststructuralism etc.) should be established at the conference.
Keynotes by: Christopher Martin (University of British Columbia, Canada), Maeve Cooke (University College Dublin, Ireland), Douglas Yacek (TU Dortmund, Germany), Krassimir Stojanov (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany).
Contributions might address (but are not limited to) one or more of the following topics:
• Education and (the erosion of) democracy. Populism, propaganda and indoctrination as social pathologies in and through education
• Education and marketization
• Inequalities in education and educational justice
• Bildung and human flourishing as goals of institutionalized education
Submissions: We welcome the submission of abstracts for proposals for individual presentations or panel contributions (a panel comprises a maximum of four speakers). The submission of proposals in the form of abstracts is possible until February 16th 2025. An abstract for individual contributions including title should not exceed 500 words, an abstract for panel contributions should not exceed 1000 words and should be sent to the following e-mail address: The decision on the selection of contributions will be made by April 6th, 2025.
Organization: Chair of Philosophy of Education and Educational Theory (Corinna Eich, Tobias Lensch, Krassimir Stojanov)

Call for papers - Educating Philosophers: A Handbook of Best Practice

Kenneth R. Westphal and Mark Addis are editing a new volume, provisionally titled “Educating Philosophers: A Handbook of Best Practice”. The volume builds on a special issue of SATS—Northern European Journal of Philosophy (24.1, 2023; de Gruyter), “The Educational Responsibilities of Philosophers”. They have issued a call for papers, which can be accessed here.

Post Doctoral Scholar - Center for Ethics and Human Values

Post Doctoral Scholar - Center for Ethics and Human Values

Department: Arts and Sciences | Philosophy

The Center for Ethics and Human Values (CEHV) is a faculty-led, University-level center that promotes practical reflection and discussion on the ethical challenges that shape professional and public life. As part of its mission, CEHV has initiated a “Civil Discourse for Citizenship” program that supports a culture of free and respectful discussion that advances robust debate and inclusive community. More information about our Civil Discourse for Citizenship initiative can be found here: .

This position is for a 2-year term appointment that will commence on or around July 1, 2024.

Minimum Education Required: Doctoral degree in Philosophy, Political Science, Philosophy of Education, or related field.

NAAPE 2022 Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to submit a paper or other proposal to the NAAPE 2022 annual conference, which takes place from Friday, October 28th to Sunday, October 30th. NAAPE 2022 will be held at the beautiful University of St. Mary of the Lake, just outside of Chicago. Submissions are due by July 1st, 2022 at 11:59PM CT (UTC -5). Registration is currently open with early bird registration rates for those who would like to register early. Registration pricing includes accommodations as well as all meals, snacks, hors d'oeuvres, coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages throughout the conference.

As in previous years, NAAPE accepts any length of paper, but we prefer papers that are less than 14,000 words. The papers may employ any well-established style guideline so long as it is used consistently throughout the paper. Additionally, papers may be formatted in a standard article manner or as a book chapter. NAAPE accepts submissions in the English, Spanish and French language, but presentations are expected to be given in English. NAAPE is pleased to accept submissions that are simultaneously under review or in press at academic journals, but we cannot accept papers that have been published prior to submission. In addition to full papers, NAAPE also accepts panel proposals and author-meets-critics proposals. The link to the submission form is here. Please also feel free to disseminate this Call for Papers poster to your colleagues.

If you are a graduate student or K-12 educator, you are eligible for consideration for our Kabango Fellowship, which provides full compensation for the conference fees, including room and board (but not including travel). The link to the application site is here and a list of our previous fellows is here.

We are excited to announce that NAAPE has launched two prizes for submissions to the annual conference. The NAAPE/Educational Theory Essay Prize winner will receive $500 and the essay will be eligible to be published in Educational Theory. The NAAPE/Theory and Research in Education (TRE) Book Prize winner will receive $500. For eligibility and submission requirements, please visit the NAAPE website at the links above.

In hosting our annual conference, we seek to provide a welcoming and humane environment where philosophers and educators from North America and around the world can engage with one another in meaningful dialogue. In addition to faculty in philosophy and education, NAAPE invites practicing and retired teachers, graduate students, administrators, policymakers, and independent scholars to attend the conference.

We are looking forward to receiving your submission!


The NAAPE Executive Committee

SFHE Summer Conference (2022)

Society for the Future of Higher Education

Pursuing Inclusivity: The University and Beyond

July (20-24)

Drawing upon its new mission statement, The Society for the Future of Higher Education announces a three-year initiative for faculty and staff from a variety of institutions to develop and implement projects to make their institutions more inclusive, just, and equitable. In 2022, the SFHE’s focus will be on inclusivity.

In addition to traditional participation tracks, which you can learn about here, our Denver conference will serve as an incubator for new ideas and initiatives by providing space and time outside of daily work life. Individuals and/or campus cohorts will connect as interdisciplinary teams in productive conversation and consultation. Higher education administrators and DEI professionals will be available to provide feedback. Groups should leave the meeting with action plans to pursue, or continue to work on when they return to their home campuses and communities.

For more information, please click here.

Educational Theory Announcement

Starting in 2022, Educational Theory will begin publishing articles online ahead of print (EarlyView; EV). This will allow authors to see their work appear weeks, sometimes months, before the final issue is published. We plan to start modestly, with just a few articles in EV, then gradually increase those numbers over time. In order to receive EV publications, subscribe to “Content Alerts” at:

Twenty Years of Theory and Research in Education

Theory and Research in Education (published by SAGE) is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes theoretical, empirical and conjectural papers contributing to the development of educational theory, policy and practice. The journal has gained a loyal international readership with over 85,000 article downloads annually and is included in Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal is currently in its nineteenth year of publication and the Editor-in-Chief is pleased to announce:

Editor’s Choice Virtual Special Issue

This virtual special issue appears in the nineteenth year of the journal’s publication. It serves as a retrospective on the first nineteen years, but also initiates a celebration of what we have achieved with the journal in the lead-up to the twentieth volume. In this virtual special issue, we collect together a dozen articles that spans the 19 years of our publication and that illustrate not only the variety of topics and approaches that have featured in the journal, but that also typify TRE’s analytic style.

The VSI is free to view here:

Call for papers, Volume 20

TRE invites retrospective papers on the first nineteen years of publication of the journal, to be published in volume 20 (in print in 2022). We seek to publish:

  • short reaction pieces (1,000 to 1,5000 words) commenting on any paper that appears in volume 1 - 19

  • more substantial critical reviews (4,500 to 6,000 words) of a set of papers that may have been published in different volumes and issues, but are unified by a common theme.

Call for papers, Volume 21

TRE invite papers on ‘New Directions for Analytic Educational Theory’, to be published in volume 21 of the journal (in print in 2023). We seek to publish:

  • Papers exploring the connections between philosophy of education and the other foundational educational disciplines of sociology -, history -, psychology -, and economics of education in the 2020’s.

  • Papers that explore the meaning of analyticity in philosophy of education and educational theory

  • Wide-ranging, systematic critiques of analytic philosophy of education in the years 2000 to 2020.

  • Papers setting out a programme of research for the next decade of TRE.

 Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief, Ben Kotzee,


COVID-19 Protocols at NAAPE 2021

The NAAPE Executive Committee would like to update you regarding the steps we are taking at NAAPE 2021 to ensure the highest standard of COVID-19 safety.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in just a few weeks, and we are very pleased with the number of registrations that we have already received. While we are very excited about the opportunity to meet with colleagues and friends that we haven't seen for a long while, we also want to do everything we can to keep everyone safe. We take all attendees' health very seriously, and NAAPE plans to follow all local, state and federal (CDC) guidelines for pandemic precautions. Below you can find a list of specific safety policies we will have in place at the conference.

NAAPE 2021 COVID-19 Safety Precautions

  • Masks will be required indoors at all times.

  • Conference rooms will be arranged to allow 6-feet of social distancing.

  • As much as possible, windows will remain open to ensure air circulation.

  • Evening receptions will be held in a very large area which will allow for ample room for social distancing room and fresh air.

  • The champagne reception will also be held in a very large gathering space to allow for ample social distancing room and fresh air.

  • Dining tables will allow for a minimum of 6 feet of distance per table to enable social distancing.

  • Guests will be required to provide proof of vaccination, a negative covid-test taken within 3 days of conference, or recent Covid recovery documents.

  • Between sessions, conference rooms and dining areas will be wiped down.

  • To ensure proper room capacities are observed, sign-ups for sessions will be provided Thursday before the conference begins.

We ask that all conference attendees be willing to follow the above protocols to ensure as safe a conference as possible for everyone. If you have not yet registered, you can find our registration form here:

Thank you very much, and we hope to see many of you in October.

NAAPE 2021 In-Person Conference

What a year this has been! While many of us have become Zoom experts, the value and gift of in-person conferences has become more and more clear As of now, circumstances in the U.S. look to be trending positively. Given this, NAAPE is currently planning to hold an in-person gathering this fall, October 29th-31st, 2021.

We recognize that circumstances are prone to change, and that even if the U.S. is poised to reach normalcy by fall, much of the world may not be. That said, the NAAPE Executive Committee is optimistic that a safe and responsible in-person conference will be possible this coming fall.

We anticipate that attendance may be lower than years past, but we also believe that for those able to travel and attend, the conference will be a time of welcome reconnection and rejuvenation.

Our formal Call for Papers will be distributed later this spring, though information about submissions and the submission site is already active on our website. We anticipate the submission deadline will be July 1st, as in previous years. In the meantime, we will continue monitoring the domestic and international situations as they relate to Covid-19, as well as continue exploring what modifications and safeguards should be implemented for our meeting this fall.

If you have any questions concerning NAAPE 2021, feel free to contact us at

SVHE Summer Meeting

Can We Talk? The University’s Role in Public Discourse

Guiding Questions & Introduction to the Event:

In a time when misinformation, disinformation, and “fake news” run rampant, how can institutions of higher education respond to the need for accurate information and civil discourse? What ethical obligations do universities and their faculties have to the common good related to accurate and honest information?

Proposals for this Request for Participation could address issues including (but not limited to):

  • Social media and the university

  • Information and/or digital information literacy in the curriculum

  • Limits to the freedom of speech in and out of the classroom

  • Higher education’s public relations problem

  • Post pandemic pedagogy and misinformation

  • Strategies for developing civil discourse on campus

  • Higher education and political engagement

The 2021 SVHE Annual Meeting will host several creative “studio spaces” where researchers can pursue their own path, embark on or continue work on a group project, or lead others on a journey. The meeting will feature public space in which all participants have the opportunity to share the fruits of their labor.

Here’s a link to further information.

Theory and Philosophy of Education (SERA) CFP

The ‘Theory and Philosophy of Education’ network within the Scottish Educational Research Association ( is calling for submissions for the SERA Bulletin. We are inviting theorists and philosophers of education to contribute short articles on the following theme 'What’s the use of Theory and Philosophy of Education?’:

Details attached. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact the network convenors: David Lewin ( or Philip Tonner (

NAAPE 2020 & 2021 Update

The NAAPE Executive Committee has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation since February, hoping that it might show signs of improvement so that the NAAPE 2020 conference could be held in October. Although there is certainly reason to be hopeful, the Executive Committee came to the unanimous decision to cancel NAAPE 2020. We came to this decision in the interest of ensuring the greatest possible safety of our members and also given the uncertainties about international travel in the Fall.

NAAPE strives to create a space for meaningful community and dialogue at its annual conference, and we are all saddened by this cancellation. The collegiality the NAAPE conference provides is important for us all, but it is of special significance for graduate students and early career scholars, who rely on the conference setting to gather feedback on their work, forge new relationships with scholars in the field and develop ideas for future projects.

For these reasons, NAAPE will be offering opportunities for online paper sessions via Zoom for anyone who would like to get feedback on a current paper or work-in-progress. NAAPE plans to pair two papers per session with two reviewers for each paper so that each session has a robust and interactive exchange of ideas. Each submitter has the option to choose whether NAAPE posts the link to the meeting on a secured webpage so that other interested NAAPE members can attend, or to keep the session limited to the other authors and reviewers.

The sessions will take place between August and November, at the convenience of the authors and reviewers. To submit a paper for consideration in the online paper submissions, please visit our normal submissions page. The deadline for submissions is August 1st, 2020.

The NAAPE 2020 keynotes have all agreed to stay on for 2021. The names of our keynotes and profiles can be found by clicking the button below. The dates of the 2021 conference are October 29-31, 2021.

Call for Book Proposals: Childhood and Education. Philosophical Perspectives

The series “Childhood and Education. Philosophical Perspectives” (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung: Philosophische Perspektiven: invites monographs and edited volumes that deal with philosophical debates about childhood and education. Topics of special interest include philosophical questions and problems concerning the conceptualization, justification and the practice of education in (post-)modern societies, as well as controversies over normatively relevant distinctions between children and adults, the specific goods of childhood, and the relation between the rights of children and parents in and beyond liberal democracies. The series addresses scholars from the philosophy of education, childhood studies, philosophy of childhood as well as from other philosophical disciplines (e.g. political philosophy), who are interested in the aforementioned topics and issues. 

If you are interested in publishing in the series, please feel free to contact one of the series editors.

Johannes Drerup (Amsterdam/Dortmund)
Franziska Felder (Zurich)
Veronika Magyar-Haas (Fribourg)
Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg)


Educational Theory Announcement

The journal Educational Theory is launching an effort to promote scholarship using the tools of social media.

We urge you to follow the journal on Facebook and Twitter. We will try not to overwhelm you with postings, but we will publicize special issues, topical symposia, featured articles, calls for papers, and supplemental video and podcast content that we think will be of additional value to our audience:



We are also revamping and expanding the content of our journal home page (separate from the Wiley site where our journal issues are published online). We want this to be a one-stop archive of resources and references to what the journal is doing. For example, one feature, called “What does Educational Theory have to say about . . ?” links to articles addressing important current social and educational problems.

The new website is up and available. Check it out, and come back regularly to see new and upgraded content:

If you have any suggestions for additional content or resources that will be of interest and value, please let us know!

Nicholas Burbules, Editor

GSCOPE 2020 - Call for papers

The Graduate Student Conference on Philosophy and Education (GSCOPE) 2020 Program Committee invites proposals for philosophical papers related to
education for presentation at GSCOPE’s 2020 Annual Meeting. See the attached call for more information on the conference, including a special opportunity in
conjunction with OVPES 2020.


• Proposals of 500 words will be considered

• Send as word.doc or PDF to

• Designate “GSCOPE 2020” in the subject line

• Provide name, affiliation, and email address in the body of your e-mail

• Deadline for submission is April 1, 2020. Candidates will be notified of the Committee’s decision by May 1.

Candidates for presentation must be graduate students at the time of submission. Please direct all questions to Annie Schultz (

New Masters Program in Educational Theory | Malmö University

Here’s is an exciting new opportunity for graduate work in philosophy of education.

The application period for EU citizens for this new masters program in educaitonal theory at Malmö University opens March 15th to April 15th. Application for non-EU citizens is open December 1st to January 15th.