Call for Book Proposals: Childhood and Education. Philosophical Perspectives

The series “Childhood and Education. Philosophical Perspectives” (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung: Philosophische Perspektiven: invites monographs and edited volumes that deal with philosophical debates about childhood and education. Topics of special interest include philosophical questions and problems concerning the conceptualization, justification and the practice of education in (post-)modern societies, as well as controversies over normatively relevant distinctions between children and adults, the specific goods of childhood, and the relation between the rights of children and parents in and beyond liberal democracies. The series addresses scholars from the philosophy of education, childhood studies, philosophy of childhood as well as from other philosophical disciplines (e.g. political philosophy), who are interested in the aforementioned topics and issues. 

If you are interested in publishing in the series, please feel free to contact one of the series editors.

Johannes Drerup (Amsterdam/Dortmund)
Franziska Felder (Zurich)
Veronika Magyar-Haas (Fribourg)
Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg)
