NAAPE/Educational Theory Outstanding Paper Prize Awardees
Beginning in 2022, NAAPE began awarding an Outstanding Paper Prize at its conference each year. In awarding this annual prize, NAAPE is partnered with the peer-reviewed journal Educational Theory. The award is intended to honor excellent scholarship at the intersection of philosophy and education that is submitted to and presented at the NAAPE conference. The winner of the NAAPE / Educational Theory Outstanding Paper Prize will receive a $500 cash award. As a part of our partnership with Educational Theory, successful prize papers will be published as a featured article in a future edition of the journal. Below are this year’s nominees
2024 Paper Prize Winner
Megan Bogia: “Distribution Double Bind: On the Ethical Implications of ‘How’”
2023 Paper Prize Winner
Shiying Li: “Education for Robust Self-Respect in an Unjust World”