NAAPE 2021 Conference Program

For access to the conference submissions, click the link on the right. Full access to papers and the list of participants is available only to members and registered conference attendees.

Friday, October 29th

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Pre-Conference Workshop for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars | Room 105
Pre-Conference Panel I: Navigating the Academic and Non-Academic Job Markets

Lunch & Meet-and-Greet | Room 105

Pre-Conference Panel II: Publishing in Philosophy, Education, and Beyond

2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Room 202

Plenary Keynote Lecture
Jessica Moss | Aristotle on Knowledge, Understanding, and the Goal of Learning
Response: Randall Curren

Moderator: Mark Jonas

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

Champagne Reception | Dining Hall

5:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Room 106

Room 104

Room 102

Room 103

Room 105

Room 202

Concurrent Session I
Author-Meets-Critics | David Hansen, Reimagining the Call to Teach in Our Time (Teachers College Press)
Mark Jonas, Julia Novakowski, Gonzalo Obelleiro
Moderator: Alexander Loney

Author-Meets-Critics | Douglas Yacek, The Transformative Classroom: Philosophical Foundations and Practical Applications (Routledge)
Organized by Theory and Research in Education
Ryan Kemp, Mark Schroeder-Strong, Hannah Morgan, John Fantuzzo, Dini Metro-Roland
Moderator: Seamus Mulryan

Author-Meets-Critics | Rene Arcilla, Wim Wenders Road Movie Philosophy: Education without Learning (Bloomsbury)
Kevin Gary, Alexander (Sasha) Sidorkin, Matt Bridges
Moderator: Warren von Eschenbach

Paper Session A
Zachary Barber | Why Meditation Should Be Taught In Schools
Mark Herman | Improving Moral Decision-Making: A Course
Haley Dutmer | Moral Friendship Theory: Which Friendships Promote Moral Development?
Moderator: Emma Prendergast

Paper Session B
Matthew Farrelly | John Muir’s Philosophies of Education and Childhood: An Historical-Literary and Philosophical Examination of The Story of My Boyhood and Youth (1913)
Zeyi Zhang | Compulsion and the Education of the Soul in Plato’s Cave Allegory
Vikramaditya (Vik) Joshi | Ambedkar, Dewey, and Differing Origins of the ‘Social’
Moderator: Brett Bertucio

Paper Session C
Josué Piñeiro | Colorblindness, Hermeneutical Marginalization and Hermeneutical Injustice
William Merrifield | Contextualizing Principles: Lebanon and Social Justice Perspectives on Disability Reform
Matt Ferkany & Lauren Bialystok | Can Open-Mindedness be Reconciled with Social Justice?
Moderator: Yoshiaki Nakazawa

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Conference Dinner | Dining Hall

8:30 PM

Beer and Wine Social | Dining Hall


Saturday, October 30th

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Breakfast | Dining Hall

9:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Room 202

Room 106

Room 103

Room 105

Room 102

Room 104

Concurrent Session II
Symposium | Religion, Race, and Representation in K-12 and Higher Education: Exploring Tensions Through Normative Case Studies
Lauren Bialystok, Nicholas Tanchuk, Caroline Tucker, Meira Levinson
Moderator: Matthew Farrelly

Authors-Meet-Critics | Paul Farber and Dini Metro-Roland, Why Teaching Matters: A Philosophical Guide to the Elements of Practice (Bloomsbury)
Kevin Gary, Seamus Mulryan, Megan Laverty
Moderator: Vikramaditya (Vik) Joshi

Author-Meets-Critics | Mark Jonas & Yoshiaki Nakazawa, A Platonic Theory of Moral Education (Routledge)
Matt Berk, Avi Mintz, Julian Rome, Mason Marshall
Moderator: Ryan Kemp

Paper Session A
Drew Chambers | The False Promise of an Open Future: Examining the Relationship Between Cognitive Goods and Educational Aims
Darren Corpe | Supporting Multidimensional Autonomy as an Educational Aim
Lindsey Schwartz | The Influence of Parenting on College Student Success & What Universities Should Do in Light of It
Moderator: Shannon Brick

Paper Session B
Alina Ahmed | Voluntourism and Epistemic Injustice: How Educational Institutions Benefit Credibility Excess
Dennis Arjo | Academic Freedom for Students
Christopher Martin | Educational Institutions and Indoctrination
Moderator: Gonzalo Obelleiro

Paper Session C
Emily Wenneborg | In Search of an Adequate Response to Pluralism: A Critical Analysis of Liberalism in Philosophy of Education
John Fantuzzo | Recognizing Human Dignity Behind Bars: A Moral Justification for College-in-Prison Programs
Emma Prendergast | Is Concerted Cultivation Good Parenting? An Educational Perspective
Moderator: Calvin Woodring

11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Room 104

Room 102

Room 106

Room 101

Room 103

Room 105

Room 202

Concurrent Session III
Symposium | Beyond Tenure-Track: Philosophical and Practical Reflections on Alternate Possibilities for Life in the Academy
Gregory Morrison, Warren von Eschenbach, Jordan Rodgers, Jacob Affolter, Madeline Urban
Moderator: Mark Jonas

Editors-Meet-Critics | Megan Laverty & David Hansen (eds.), A History of Western Philosophy of Education (Bloomsbury)
Adam Wood, Robbie McClintock, Stefano Oliverio, Nicholas Burbules
Moderator: Christopher Martin

Panel | Classical Education Against its Critics and Supporters
Kirsten Welch, Emily Wenneborg, Brett Bertucio, Eileen Reuter
Moderator: Lauren Bialystok

Panel | Ethical Teaching at the University: A Case Study Discussion on Pedagogy and Inclusivity
Rosette Cirillo, Harry Brighouse, Matthew Farrelly, Anna Katherine Nelson, Ria Dhingra
Moderator: Julian Rome

Paper Session A
Olga Lenczewska | Rawls’s Kantian Account of Moral Development in A Theory of Justice
Sara Hardman | Sexism in Justifications for Teacher Strikes
Gonzalo Obelleiro | Cosmopolitan Education, Impermanence, and Interconnectedness from a Buddhist Perspective
Moderator: Mason Marshall

Paper Session B
Julia Novakowski | Analyzing Teacher-Student Relationships in the Works of John Dewey
Calvin Woodring | Managing Expectations: The Project Method and Ends in Aesthetic Experience
Tom Martin | A Case for Craft as Liberal Learning
Moderator: Matt Ferkany

Paper Session C
Randall Curren | Children of the Broken Heartlands: Rural Isolation and the Geography of Opportunity
Rena Goldstein & Darby Vickers | Narrowing the Philosophy Gender Gap by Building Skills and Community
Tony Laden | The Social Costs of a College Education
Moderator: Yoshiaki Nakazawa

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch | Dining Hall

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

South Residence Living Room

Free Time

Roundtable Sessions (Works-in-Progress)
Leigh Duffy | Using Yoga to Teach Philosophy
Discussant: Gonzalo Obelleiro

Alexander (Sasha) Sidorkin | Sin and the Authoritative Discourse in Education
Discussant: Rene Arcilla

Matthew Dominguez | J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Imagination, and Spiritual Formation in On Fairy Stories
Discussant: Matthew Farrelly

Alexander Wolfram | Educational Goals in the Socratic Great Books Method
Discussant: Brett Bertucio

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Room 202

Plenary Keynote Lecture
Meghan Sullivan | Love and Attention in Pedagogy: Three Models of the "Instructional Gaze" and their Moral Questions
Respondent: David Bakhurst

Moderator: Sheron Fraser-Burgess

6:45 PM - 8:15 PM

Conference Dinner | Dining Hall

8:15 PM

Beer and Wine Social | Dining Hall


Sunday, October 31st

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Breakfast | Dining Hall

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Room 202

Plenary Keynote Lecture

Getting in and Getting Through: Equity in Higher Education
Meira Levinson | Merit, Wealth, and the Ethics of Highly Selective College Admissions in an Era of Hyper-Inequality
Harry Brighouse | Instructional Quality Is the Most Important and Most Neglected Equity Issue on Campus

Moderator: Kevin Gary

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Room 105

Room 106

Room 103

Room 202

Concurrent Session IV
Author-Meets-Critics | Mason Marshall, Reading Plato's Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates' Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement (Routledge)
Yoshiaki Nakazawa, Drew Chambers, Mark Jonas, Alexander Loney
Moderator: Mark Jonas

Editors-Meets-Critics | Maughn Gregory and Megan Laverty (eds.), Gareth B. Matthews, The Child’s Philosopher (Routledge)
Sheron Fraser-Burgess, David Bakhurst, Harry Brighouse
Moderator: Meira Levinson

Paper Session A
Shannon Brick | Show, Don't Tell: A Gricean Account
Kaley White-Ciluffo | “Even as We Grieved, We Grew:” Toward Posttraumatic Growth via Trauma-Informed Mentorship
Grant Brown | Philosophical Roleplaying: A Study of High School Debate Pedagogy with Deleuze’s Spinoza
Moderator: Matthew Farrelly

Paper Session B
Evan Dutmer | A Model for a Living, Global Virtue Ethics Curriculum
Kirsten Welch | Educating Gratitude "For": Understanding Gratitude in Terms of Fittingness
Avi Mintz | What We Talk About When We Talk About Punishments and Consequences
Moderator: Mark Herman

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch | Conference Center

1:45 PM - 2:30 PM

Closing Convocation | Room 202