AERA | Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program in Education Research

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is pleased to announce the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research. The Council of the AERA established the fellowship program to provide support for doctoral dissertation research, to advance education research by outstanding minority graduate students, and to improve the quality and diversity of university faculties. This fellowship is targeted for members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders). This program offers doctoral fellowships to enhance the competitiveness of outstanding minority scholars for academic appointments at major research universities. It supports fellows conducting education research and provides mentoring and guidance toward the completion of their doctoral studies.

Call for Proposals

Award Period
Each fellowship award is for 1 year, beginning July 1, 2019 or later, and is nonrenewable. This fellowship program is intended as a write-up fellowship. Fellowships are awarded for doctoral dissertation research conducted under faculty sponsorship in any accredited university in the United States.

Eligible graduate students for the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research will be at the writing stage of their dissertation by the beginning of the fellowship. The dissertation study should focus on an education research topic such as high stakes testing; ethnic studies/curriculum; tracking; STEM development; measurement of achievement and opportunity gaps; English language learners; or bullying and restorative justice. Applicants can come from graduate programs and departments in education research, the humanities, or social or behavioral science disciplinary or interdisciplinary fields, such as economics, political science, psychology, or sociology.

Fellows are required to provide proof of advancement to candidacy at the beginning of the award period. Applicants must work full-time on their dissertations and course requirements and should be in the writing stage of their dissertation. This program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders).

See more at their website:

Tenure Track / Tenured Faculty Member Teacher Education, Teacher Policy, and the Context of Urban Teaching UCLA

Tenure Track / Tenured Faculty Member
Teacher Education, Teacher Policy, and the Context of Urban Teaching UCLA

The Department of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles announces an Open Rank position for a tenure-track/tenured faculty member who specializes in teacher education broadly defined. We seek a person who can help us think “outside the boxes” of traditional approaches to teacher preparation, while helping us to navigate the current policy context. Candidates should have an active program of research on issues relevant to teacher preparation, informed by a clear stance on equity, diversity, and social justice in urban schools, and a transformative vision of education. Specific interests could include teacher policy, the recruitment and retention of quality teachers (especially teachers of color), approaches to teacher education that unite theory and practice in innovative ways, community-based teacher preparation, and/or ways of supporting schools in recognizing, sustaining and building on community cultural wealth, among other things. Of additional importance is a history of experiences in urban schools, working with immigrants, English Learners, foster youth, racialized/minoritized/LGBTQ students, and those living in under-resourced neighborhoods.

The faculty member will teach both in the Center X Teacher Education Masters’ program and one of four Education Department divisions with academic doctoral programs relevant to K-12 schooling. Center X prepares pre-service teachers with the theory, methods, and field experiences to teach for social justice in urban Los Angeles schools. The four divisions most relevant to K-12 focus are Human Development and Psychology, Social Research Methodology, Social Sciences and Comparative Education, and Urban Schooling. As a member of one of these divisions, the successful candidate will teach doctoral courses and advise Ph.D. students in the areas most pertinent to teacher education, teacher policy, and/or the context of urban teaching.

QUALIFICATIONS: A doctorate in education or a related field. We strongly encourage applicants to apply whose doctorate or research specialization is in Teacher Education or a related field; experience with public schools (K-12); a record of research and scholarly publications commensurate with appointment level; ability to teach and advise students at the graduate level in both scholarly and teacher education programs; a strong commitment to teacher education, social justice, and educational equity for students in urban schools, and a willingness to generate extramural funding for research.

SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
START DATE: July 1, 2019 (teaching duties start late September 2019).

TO APPLY: Apply online at Required documents include (a) cover letter, (b) CV, (c) statement of research, (d) statement of teaching (e) an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI statement) that describes the candidate’s past, present, and future (planned) contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, (e) the contact information of three-five individuals who will write letters of recommendation (all individuals will be asked to provide letters of recommendations), and (f) sample publications (2-required, but may submit a total of 3).

Sample guidance for EDI statement: process/faculty-search-committee-resources/sample-guidance/.

Applications will be accepted via the UC Recruit website beginning September 21, 2018. The deadline for applications to be submitted is November 1, 2018.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Prof. Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Search Committee Chair,

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy see: UC Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Policy,

The Center for Ethics and Education | Up to $40,000 Research Grant in Philosophy and Education

As stated on their website…

The Center for Education and Ethics announces a new grant program. The Center will make awards of up to $40,000 for research projects in philosophy as it relates to educational policy and practice. We encourage applicants to understand educational policy and practice in broad terms, including issues that directly relate to K-12 schools and higher education institutions, but also concerning policies that influence children’s growth and development in the family and other institutions. We also encourage diverse kinds of philosophical research ranging from the highly abstract to the highly applied. Proposals might concern any of the following topics:

  • the proper content of moral education and of the rights of parents to choose its content

  • the place of religion in schools

  • justice and efficiency in the allocation of public funds across schools and school districts

  • the content of the curriculum

  • the commercialization of schools and childhoods generally

  • the obligations to students with special educational needs

  • the proper content of sex education in particular and “education for living” more generally (concerning e.g., parenting, financial self-management) and the extent to which it is right for schools to defer to parental preferences regarding these matters

  • the moral rights of school students to privacy, to freedom of expression, to freedom of association

  • the rights and obligations of teachers with respect to abusive or violent children

  • should schools cultivate the virtues needed to sustain a democratic society, and if so, what are they and how is this best done given the other values schools should realize and pursue

  • ethical considerations in college admissions and enrollment

We emphasize that this list is illustrative and not exhaustive.

Society for the Philosophical Study of Education CFP

The SPSE 2018 Program Committee invites philosophically oriented papers related to education in the widest sense for presentation at its Annual Meeting. Deadline for submission is 01 OCTOBER 2018. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • educational history and philosophy
  • critical theories and pedagogies
  • philosophies of teaching, learning and knowing
  • non-western philosophies of education
  • educational reform in theory and practice
  • social (re)construction and education
  • technology and education
  • evidence and assessment
  • disciplines and disciplinarity

For more information on this call, click here, or visit their Facebook page here:

You can also contact Thomas Falk for further questions:

Job Posting - University of Kentucky

The Department of Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation in the College of Education at the University of Kentucky is inviting applications for a tenure-track associate professor position in Philosophy of Education. The appointment is a nine-month appointment, effective August 16, 2018.

Candidates should be prepared to contribute to public policy debates around local, state, national, and international educational issues in equity, access, effectiveness and of P-20 education. Candidates should be able to work in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment to study the multiple contexts and competing interests represented in such critical arenas as ethics; educational policy formation; curriculum development and implementation; school reform; and education in social and cultural context. More info here:[IDX]=108118-CU180620m-8e&oid=1269752


PESNA is excited to announce that it will be formally changing its name to the North American Association for Philosophy and Education (NAAPE) in October 2018. We believe this change better reflects our organization’s mission to bring scholars in areas of philosophy such as ethics, political philosophy and epistemology together with philosophers of education and educational practitioners to reflect on questions central to the theory and practice of education. The name change will be announced at the conclusion of PESNA 2018 this coming October.

We look forward to seeing you there! For more information about our conference, see our conference site and registration page.

Job Posting - Boston College

The Lynch School of Education at Boston College has announced an open rank search for two tenured or tenure track colleagues to be appointed to one of our four departments. They are seeking colleagues whose scholarship focuses on a broad vision of education and human development that emphasizes the development of meaningful and purposeful lives and encompasses the transformation of the whole person in social context – including ethical, emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual and interpersonal dimensions. For more information, see this attachment